W3C httpd CGI/1.1 Script Support

Server scripts are used to handle searches, clickable images and forms, and to produce synthesized documents on the fly. See calendar and finger gateway for examples.
The server knows that a request is actually a script request by looking at the beginning of the URL pathname. You can specify these special strings in the configuration file (/etc/httpd.conf) by Exec rules:
Exec /url-prefix/* /physical-path/*
Where /url-prefix/ is the special string that signifies a script request, and /physical-path/ is the absolute filesystem pathname of the directory that contains your scripts.
Exec /htbin/* /usr/etc/cgi-bin/*
makes URL paths starting with /htbin to be mapped to scripts in directory /usr/etc/cgi-bin.
I.e. requesting /htbin/myscript
causes a call to script
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